At 5/11/2008 14:39, you wrote:

>I have followed with interest the thread treating feed line to use to 
>connect repeater/duplexer/antenna, and I think I should replace the cables 
>that are now in use on my 2-m repeater. But now the repeater TX and RX and 
>a remote base use short cables to a feedthrough on the top of the cabinet. 
>There are 90 degree elbows on the feedthroughs. Would it be better to 
>eliminate these feedthroughs and elbows by just cutting a hole in the 
>cabinet and routing the cables directly to the radios? What is common practice?

Feedthroughs are always better, provided they're N connectors.  Among other 
things, they help keep the rodents out of the cabinet.  N elbows are good 
up to a least a couple GHz, so they should work fine @ 440 & lower.  SO-239 
feedthroughs are all bad @ 440, as are PL-259 elbows.  I even had one cause 
desense @ 146 MHz (nothing but a dummy load on the other side; remove the 
elbow, desense gone!).

Bob NO6B

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