There wasn't enough money involved for the FCC to approve D* spectrum

Our local RACES district acquired UHF and VHF D* repeaters, complete
systems with duplexers and $69.00 repeater antennas and feed line (unknown

One complete VHF and UHF system as described above and a dual band mobile
for each county in district 1 here in Michigan with plans to link them all
together via high speed Internet. (Our local club that has about 30 members
if that can't afford the high speed Internet)

This will be interesting as the D* systems for my county will be co located
with 1 VHF and  1 UHF analog repeaters on the same 100 foot tower.

I want to know why D* only needs $69.00 antennas and I had to spend ten
times that for an analog antenna for my repeater. 


> [Original Message]
> To: <>
> Date: 5/16/2008 10:12:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] DSTAR / DIGITAL / FCC Denies Petition to
Utilize2m Sub-Band for Digital
> So what's the answer:
> 1. Try to make room elsewhere for D*
> or
> 2. Encourage Icom to make dual mode repeaters so those with analog 
> systems can simply swap them out and support both modes.
> I would try for the latter in the spirit of cooperation and upgrade ease 
> on the part of the users.
> Once again, there is a perfectly reasonable solution staring trustees in 
> the face if only Icom would support it.
> If D* takes off, or all the users make the transition, the analog side 
> can be disabled and the spectrum benefits can be realized.
> People have to learn that sometimes a wholesale change is not the best 
> for the service. This is ham radio - you can't expect everyone to bend 
> over backwards for every new mode that comes along, and you can't expect 
> more spectrum just because you have a new mode. You have to make it easy 
> for people to transition.
> Joe M.
> KF4TNP wrote:
> >  
> > 
> >  
> > 

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