At 5/23/2008 16:39, you wrote:

>Dayton 2008 Chuckle (Tac-Tec - humor)
>Just another Dayton 2008 bit of "seller humor". One flea market
>space had a stack of 6 large RCA Tac Tec Mobiles for sale at a
>modest $30 each "firm".
>Great Radio for its day and probably still quite usable for
>some ham project (the version that looks like a GE Mobile) but
>at that price I'm sure he took them back home or they went into
>the scoop loader on Sunday.

Not as bad as the $200 75 watt UHF Mastr II mobile.  It did have a UHS 
preamp, but come on, $200 for a Mastr II mobile?

Bob NO6B

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