
Congratulations on your progress!  However, I am curious about your comment
that the repeater is not passing the PL tone through,  On a community
repeater, wouldn't you want the input tone filtered out of the audio chain
and recreated fresh for transmission?  Not all community repeaters use the
same tone for encode as for decode.  Some user radios may have
less-than-pure tones, and may be over-deviated;  it may not be prudent to
allow such tones to pass through.  Perhaps you need a Vibrasender reed
installed for the encode function.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of n9wys
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2008 7:32 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: UHF MICOR Unified Chassis

Well, Joe - I got it to work!

What I ended up doing was chasing the audio path from the "goes-inna"
through the backplane. I found that on the Squelch Gate card, it was not
being passed, even though the jumper was in place. I added a hard-wire
jumper to the backplane between Pins 11 and 24, and "VOILA!"

The next thing I need to do is figure out why I cannot defeat PL
operation... when I switch the Station Control to PL DISABLE, the station
still transmits. In fact, it transmits even when the LINE DISABLE is
switched on, too. More jumpers, I fear.

Also, I find that it does not matter whether I have the individual PL tones
enabled or disabled on the Four User Module - if I transmit the proper tone
to the station, the repeater transmits. And it is not passing that PL tone
to the output. (Which I want.) But at least I now have repeat audio.

To answer your questions, Joe:
1) Yes, I had a local speaker connected (through my R-1033 test set) and I
could hear audio coming in through the receiver section.
2) I cannot get the station to operate in CSQ mode for now...
3) I'll have to look in regard to the "AND" squelch jumpers, but I followed
the manual for correct jumper settings for each of the cards.
4) The repeater keys only in PL mode now...

At this stage I'm not sure whether you're right or wrong, Joe. But at least
it's alive - if only at 50%. ;-)

Mark - N9WYS

-----Original Message-----
<>  On Behalf Of Joe Burkleo

OK, now back to where we started from, but much better.

I have a bunch of questions for you.

1. Do you have a local speaker hooked up? If so do you have audio out
of the speaker in either carrier squelch or PL mode?

2. Do you have repeat audio in carrier squelch mode? I know you do not
have repeat audio in PL mode.

3. Have the "and" squelch jumpers been cut on the audio/squelch card
or are they still in place?

4. Does the repeater key up in either carrier squelch or PL mode, or
in both modes?

If I think I understand the problem correctly, the radio keys up and
repeats in PL mode, it just does not pass repeat audio, but it works
fine in carrier access or Pl disable mode. Please correct me if I am
wrong here.

Joe - WA7JAW

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