At 14:07 8/11/2008, MCH wrote:
>Can someone of some race (pick any - it doesn't matter which) come up
>and demand that you let them use your car? I don't see how that could
>hold up in any court. It's exactly the same thing - forced use of your

To this I would say "no", but....

To bring this back to repeaters, if you say anyone who wishes can use my
repeater (or car) except blacks, my guess is you are in for some very serious
and expensive trouble.   Remember no one has a RIGHT to a job in your
business, but you cannot deny them the job on the grounds of race.  Same
for renting your apartment, or even spare room.   If you offer to almost
everyone, you must offer to all (except you may exclude those of a non-
protected class).   You can say no attorneys can use my repeater, but you
would be taking a great risk saying no Catholics can.

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     gomberg1 at wcf dot com
All addresses, phones, etc. at

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