
         I am not familiar with an external encode disable on the 
Mastr IIe. The easiest external method might be to put a 2n7000 FET 
or IRF5xx type device across the encode audio and a logic high pullup 
on the gate will clamp the source to the drain, (with the drain 
connected to the ground side of the encode pair)...at close to 0 
ohms. This should kill any encode instantly and release as soon as 
the gate is released.

FET's transit almost instantly, more like a switch, than a npn transistor.

Alternately gate the encode through a relay or 4066 gate on the way 
to the exciter.

I would not absolutely say there is no external encode disable pin'ed 
out, but then I never specifically looked.


At 02:55 AM 11/25/2008, you wrote:

>Does anyone know the trick/pin/programming to controlling the pl encode
>(channel guard) on a Mastr IIe with external logic?
>I have a UHF repeater that has the pl encode follows the pl decode and
>am slaving a 2m Mastr IIe to it
>thru a NHRC5. All the logic is present in the NHRC5 to do this as it
>has an output for control of a pl encoder.
>I am leaving the controller in the Mastr IIe active so that its port can
>be turned off in the NHRC5 and become a
>stand alone repeater when needed. No bells and whistles in its
>controller but it takes care of pl decode/encode, short tail and auto cw
>When it is slaved to the NHRC5 and its UHF repeater all the IDs, and
>courtesy tones will be going out with the pl encoder active as it
>currently stands.
>What I want to do is to control the MastrIIe pl encoder so that it
>follows the UHF repeaters PL decoder when they are slaved together.
>Figured out how to cause the PL encoder of the UHF repeater to follow
>the pl decoder of both radios when connected together easily enough.
>So where to tie logic in to control the encoder in the Mastr IIe? On the
>backplane P3 pins B6 and C12 look promising but so far
>no luck. Perhaps I am missing something in the programming of the Mastr
>IIe controller?
>I can turn the CG encode on and off in the programming for the local PTT
>options, just have not found
>what pin to control for turning the local PTT CG encoder on/off.
>The reason behind all this is so that we can run tone squelch and never
>hear any house keeping signaling, ie, IRLP and echolink
>connections stay devoid of long key ups, noise, etc..
>Oh, did it mention that it is a MastrIIe? :-)
>Thanks for any help on this, hopefully sooner then later as I am racing
>the snow level to
>get this project up in its home before its snowed in.
>-Dave, KB7SVP

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