Hi Doug,
  Thanks, I thought about the dummy load on the TX output directly on
the way home last night. So I am going to try it as soon as I can get
to it.
  I didn't think about checking the TX spectrum while the thing was
cycling - thanks.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Doug Bade <k...@...> wrote:
> Rick;
>          I think you need to isolate whether it is tx through the 
> duplexer or something else bothering the rx and or squelch. It sounds 
> like the tx signal fundamentally is clean from your analysis so far.. 
> in order to isolate through the duplexer, connect the tx directly to 
> a dummy load instead of it's side of the duplexer while injecting rx 
> into the duplexer. if it does not cycle, the tx is sending something 
> through the duplexer to the rx....if it does cycle.. it is an 
> internal issue as you suspect.. I would use the tx to duplexer cable 
> in the dummy load path as you want to see if some radiation from it 
> is part of the equation.
> I lean more to spurious on initial keyup... causing a noise burst 
> maybe due to exciter tuning... but this test should tell you if it is 
> conducted internally or passed through the duplexer.
> Doug
> KD8B

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