I have a 6 meter repeater operating Portland Oregon on 53.29 MHz with an input
of 51.59 Mhz.  A few years ago we started receiving noise on our input, and
traced it down to the new Larkin solid-state transmitter that the local TV
channel 2 had recently installed.  With their old RCA tube transmitter, they
had a much cleaner signal.  Looking the the proof of performance tests between
the two transmitters, the old RCA transmitter was about 20 DB cleaner in the
amateur 6 meter band.  My repeater is located less than a 1/2 mile from their
transmitter.  No amount of filtering on my end has been able to fix the

I've had it.  I am DEMANDING that the local TV channel 2 STOP transmitting or
change to a different frequency to end the interference they are causing my 6
meter repeater.  I am giving them 6 weeks notice to either stop transmitting
or change frequency, and I have picked a deadline of February 18, 2009 or I
will initiate further action.

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