___ Most of the time they are looking for an audience sometimes it is
best to ignore them they will move to a bigger coverage Repeater, unless
it is something personal against you or one of the users. 
Record, Including the Input, Times, Date, Signal on Input share this
info with other Repeater Trustees in Your area in case the Jammer moves
Don't always assume it is Intentional Sometime it is something else
getting in Example on one of my repeaters 444.750 it is Cable TV
Interference that kerchunks it at 3 Am 
Listen for the Voice, transmitter noise, Mic clicks Etc.  And other
Freqs when You are not being Interfered with, it is Sad to say but
Sometimes it turns out to be a Ham that No one would ever suspect. 
Good Luck look in the Files in this Group I do recall info regarding

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