Try this web site for a radio propagation plot or map.  I f you have any 
problems using it email me direct - - and i'll try to help you 

Doug N3DAB

- In, "k5in" <k...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Now that I have clearly demonstrated my ignorance about multi bay dipole 
> antennas: Which one to buy for the following system.
> 441.950 output, 2,700ft on a mountain with a 160ft tower.  Antenna will live 
> at the 140ft level fed by 78th inch hardline.
> I need coverage that will include myself 12 air miles away at 50ft ASL, plus 
> a turrane that varies in height from my level up and out to whatever distance.
> Do any of you with much more experience of antenna's such as the Decibel 
> Products have any suggestions?  Of course I could pay hundreds of dollars for 
> site plots and so forth but after all, this is amateur radio.
> Thanks for reading and your patience too.
> Brian

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