Didn't our own Bob WA1MIK write up such a kill device for his 900 machine
not long ago at the Repeater-Builder site?

Maybe this:

Why reinvent the wheel?

Mark - N9WYS

-----Original Message-----
From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Mike Morris WA6ILQ
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 1:00 AM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Remote receiver "suicide" control

At 05:33 PM 04/16/09, you wrote:
>Mike, Paul, Mike, Martin, and others...
>Thanks for the ideas. I will try out a couple of them and then make
>a decision on exactly what method to go with. I had not thought of
>using a latching relay.

The lock-shut-through-its-own-contacts latching relay uses
power as long as it is activated.
As another gentleman pointed out, the magnetic latching
relay only uses power when the coil is activated (i.e. a
pulse to change the state of the relay).

>The idea of a husky relay or maybe a beefy
>SCR to short the supply on the inboard side of a fuse or circuit
>breaker did occur to my feeble mind, but I wanted see what others
>could come up with for ideas.

The 12v circuit breaker with the shunt trip coil sounds like the
most feasible, and besides it's designed exactly for the job.  It
beats buying fuses, and dropping a dead short (even
momentary) across the battery is not going to do it any good.

You could use an old IMTS horn honker decoder to trigger the trip coil.
That was a box about the size of three thicknesses of Readers Digest
that was a multidigit DTMF decoder that you programmed with either
DIP switches or jumpers. You feed it +12 and receiver audio and it gives
you dry relay contacts.  When it decoded 7 digits it pulled in a relay
that honked the vehicle horn and flashed the headlights.  The bulldozer
operator or whomever would hear the horn honk and go answer the
mobile phone.
The advantage of using a separate unit is that no matter what happens
to the repeater controller a specific DTMF sequence on a specific
receiver will kill the system.

>Paul N1BUG


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