Could you please give us a little more information please.

What radio are you presently using for your UHF repeater? Does it have a preamp 
and if so what type? How much power out of the repeater transmitter do you 
presently have? 

Also what are you currently using for a duplexer and antenna feedline?

The answer to these questions will help us determine if a move to a 100 watt PA 
is technically a sound move, or if other parts of the system will need to be 
upgraded as well to support the higher transmitter power level.

While a lot of repeaters and links are made from Mitrek's including some of 
ours, I do not consider a Mitrek mobile PA to be continuous duty in any 
fashion, although at reduced power levels with added forced air cooling they 
perform very well.

Joe - WA7JAW 

--- In, Eric Grabowski <ejgrabow...@...> wrote:
> A local ham radio club wants to add a 100 watt continuous duty power 
> amplifier to their UHF repeater. They have available a 110 watt PA from a 
> Mitrek mobile and some massive heat sinks. 
> It doesn't appear that it would be very difficult to transplant the Mitrek PA 
> onto one of the heat sinks and then mount that assembly to a 19-inch rack 
> panel for installation in the repeater cabinet.
> Before I spend a lot of time on this effort, however, I'd like to know if 
> anyone has done this before and, if so, is a how-to article available 
> somewhere. Thanks for the bandwidth.
> 73 and aloha, Eric KH6CQ
> District Emergency Coordinator
> Hawaii ARES

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