I need some help on a Celwave antenna I'm trying to fix. It's specs are 460-470 
mhz 6db gain. Do not have a exact model number but I will try to find it. I 
bought it off ebay with the person stating they had no idea what was wrong with 
it but once I received it and took the fiberglass housing off, I found the 
problem. Or atleast I hope. There is a 7 or 8 copper elements I can't remeber 
exact with plastic spacers inbetween. A center conductor, looks like a center 
conductor of about the size of RG-213 runs through these elements and on top of 
the last element the center conducotr bends up through the hole and is soldered 
on a aluminum clad. The solder had rubbed or at least thats what look liked had 
happend and the center conductor had been disconected from the antenna. What I 
need is some information in conduction a ground plane for this antenna. I 
assume this antenna requires a ground plane because the way I understand a 
antenna works is the signals radiate down to the ground plane and then scatters 
horizontally. Can someone give me some help or info on weather a ground plane 
is neccasry. It will me "U" bolted on a 40 ft Rohn tower if that helps any. 

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