At 03:11 PM 06/19/09, you wrote:
>  I have a VHF Moto Maratrac and was thinking about using it for a 
> mobile repeater since it is programable. Can I change the relayed 
> SO-239 to a regular SO-239 for recieve and add another SO-239 in 
> the side for Transmit and it work like that. If this will work I am 
> looking at purching several more VHF and UHF Maratrac for a EMCOMM Trailer.
>Grady Evans

When you get down to the basics a Maratrac is a Maxtrac
with a power amp and a fancy control head.
As such it is a single synthesizer radio and will never duplex.
It is also a limited duty cycle radio - the heat sink is too small
for continuous duty.

I suggest you review the basic Maratrac info at
and then (since the receiver and exciter in a Maratrac is a Maxtrac)
look at the Maxtrac info at

The Maratrac will function as a repeater transmitter but only in a
LOW duty cycle environment (in fact, the manual for the RICK
repeater controller box specifically mentions that - but as the
"M400", which is a Maratrac in Radius drag).


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