Homeland security, as a plan, has an influence in almost everything these days. 
 However, the department of homeland security usually only suggests guidelines 
for the municipalities to follow.  In our area, the local government owns the 
water tank and is responsible for its operation and security.  If amateur radio 
is on good terms (via ARES or other support function) with the local 
government, they may accomodate you. 

Keep in mind, water tanks can be quite difficult to outfit with a repeater 
system especially if nothing else like cellular is already located on it.  
Depending on the tank design, there may not be a shelter to put equipment or 
electricity if its filled by pumps elsewhere.  There may be no way to even 
mount an antenna and they wont let you weld or drill in it.

Check over the logistics thoroughly before even bothering to ask.

However, a tank is a great ground plane and our digipeater does quite well from 


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "kc8fwd" <kc8...@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anyone had experience with repeaters at water tower sites now that 
> homeland security is involved? I would like to hear your experience.
> Thanks Mike KC8FWD

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