You hit the nail on the head.
This is an AIR CORE transformer with resonant windings on each side.

The video is pure infomercial.

What about the energy to run the 'primary' while the secondary is missing?
And the 50% efficiency is pretty low compared today's switching power supplies.

Smoke and mirrors.
Ignore the man behind the curtain.


--- In, "wb6dgn" <tallins...@...> wrote:
> <<Makes ya wonder, supposedly it is a magnetic field that does the deed but 
> the fact that there is an inductor and cap in each side there is resonance  
> someplace. Sounds like RF  to me.>>
> <<that's what I was thinking, it has to be RF.>>
> Suggest you review the principles of a "ferroresonant" transformer (as in 
> MSF5000 power supply or "constant voltage" transformer to name two examples). 
>  Might give some insight into what they're doing?

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