I have never heard of Kreco antennas.
We put a DB-201 up this evening and the repeater is working just great! The 
diamond is gonna have to come down for an autopsy... I don't understand why the 
sitemaster was showing I had a good antenna when it clearly was not radiating 
anywhere useful.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tue Oct 06 21:20:24 2009
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: 6-m Very Heavy Duty Antenna For Repeater Use


Check the Kreco line of antennas.  They have a 6-m coaxial dipole that should 
perform as well as or slightly better into the valleys than the j-pole antenna. 
 You have two options the CO-41A or the CO-41H, depending upon your bank 
account and the weather severity of your site.  The shunt feed keeps away 
static on receive, and lightning away from your equipment.


I’m not affiliated with Kreco in any way.




Dan at K7MM, VU3MMW


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