One other thing I forgot to mention is that we would like the repeater to 
contain the ability to run with a PL tone.

Thanks again!


--- In, "phantom1071" <andymcn...@...> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am looking to rebuild a 70cm repeater with an output within the ham band. 
> We currently have a non-tunable fiberglass comercial band antenna wich is 
> giving us a SWR of about 2:1. The first piece of advice we are looking for is 
> recomendations for replacing the antena. There are some conciderations to go 
> with this. Since it is a privately owned repeater it is in a back yard and 
> not mounted very high due to lack of an antenna tower or space to put one up 
> on the property. The antenna will be mounted at about 20 feet from ground 
> level and we are looking to maximize coverage area so we are looking at high 
> gain antennas such as the Diamond F718 which would be a step up as it would 
> lower our SWR. What are your thoughts with this antenna or recomendations on 
> other high gain antennas for the 70cm band?
> Also, we are looking to replace the repeater itself. Right now we have an old 
> Kenwood business band repeater that has been modified to work in the ham band 
> but it is becoming more unstable as time progresses. We want to keep the 
> equipment as back up and would like to look into a new system. We want 
> something that is computer programable if possible. It also should work with 
> an external controller as we are using a CAT-1000 with an attached weather 
> station and CAT weather radio reciever. Right now we are coordinated at 25 
> watts output but would like to have a repeater that could run 50 watts 
> continuous. Also, we would like to stay away from D-STAR simply because of 
> personal preferance. Any suggestions or reccomendations for the repeater unit?
> Thanks for your help!
> Andrew

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