I'm in the process of building a repeater that will have multiple ports (3
different radios).
Only one radio be receiving at a time, the other two transmitting.
Therefore I have 3 audio sources (from different types of radio, at
different levels), each being fed to the other two radios and requiring
individual settings.
In the middle of this I want to put a delay board, but to keep the cost down
only have one.
What's the best arrangement for combining the incoming audio, and then
setting the levels for each TX?
Thinking along the lines of a FET audio mixer for each RX, setting all to
the same level of input to the delay board, then something on the output
from the delay (would I need another series of buffers, or would three 100k
pots do?) to adjust the TX level for each radio type?
Thanks for any advice!

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