Scott Zimmerman wrote:
> <--- That reminds me of a story Kevin told about when he worked in a CB 
> shop.
> A guy came in and said he mounted his radio and now it didn't work. 
> Kevin went out to investigate and found the guy drilled two holes right 
> straight through the radio and used two lag bolts to fasten it to the 
> dash!! It sure wasn't going anywhere in a crash!!

Yup..    Radio was a week old - and totally ruined. 

Dude comes in to the CB shop I was working at when I was 14; wants a CB 
right now, and doesn't have the time to have it installed.  So, we ran 
the power and antenna wires and laid it on the passenger seat until he 
could return to have it mounted.  He comes back a week later to 
'complain' that the radio no longer works.  He had taken some time at 
his delivery lay-over to professionally mount his new radio to the under 
side of the dash. 

I went out and saw the bolt heads (with nice washers I might add) on the 
under side of the case of the radio.  He drilled 2 mounting holes right 
through both sides of the case (and circuit board) and mounted that 
radio to the dash.  It sure looked good, and it wasn't going anywhere, 
but the radio failed to operate after he wiped out most of the VCO and 
audio amplifier components with the 1/2" drill bit.

True story - sigh....


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