Jeff DePolo wrote:
> Anyone have, or know of, a surplus of 1/2" line?  I've been scouring the
> surplus places, eBay, etc., but haven't found any decent deals.  I can use
> pieces or reels anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand feet.  RFS,
> Andrew, et. al., anything but Commscope.  Thanks in advance.

I have an *end of roll* piece of FSJ4-50B of about 275', and another
of about 175' but from the sound of it Jeff, you need much more than that :)

Lots of connectors for same. Unfortunately, I'm between London
and Toronto Ontario (Kitchener).

Tedd Doda, VE3TJD

Lazer Audio and Electronics

High Performance cars don't kill....
Low Performance drivers do....

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