Re: Silver plating of cavities advice please? 
(pull it out, put the enamel back)

Oh, we weren't talking about teeth... 

> n9...@... wrote:
> Silver oxide unlike copper oxide remains a good conductor 
> and does not need cleaned. 

However, I believe the tarnish forming on silver when 
exposed to ozone or hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere 
is Silver Sulfide.  Silver Sulfide Tarnish is not good 
on critical contact surfaces (as in switch contacts) and 
should be removed if it's causing trouble. 

> The best use would be the high current areas around the 
> top of the  cavity and loops, also the sliding connection 
> at the center conductor. I am  paraphrasing this info 
> from some old DB products literature I used to  have.
> Chris

Many of us still have those old Decibel Products Booklets and 
related paperwork. Silver Plating is wonderful if you have 
it or need and can get it done at a reasonable price. 

Keywords "Reasonable Price" and of course there are ways to 
do your own plating, especially with example videos available 
on Youtube. 

But Silver Plating is not an in-stone requirement for 
a decent cavity like those used in the Motorola T-1500 
series Duplexer. 


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