And the spray bottle of water, and the newspaper...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Morris" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Low Band Antenna for both 6 & 10 meters.

> At 09:27 PM 08/20/10, you wrote:
>> > skipp025 wrote:
> (big chunk cut out)
>>Put "Great" in front of your name yelled out loud and people
>>in a movie house will often throw toilet paper across the room.
>>(It's OK if you don't get the reference and those of you who
>>do, please seek professional help).
> Hmmm, seems like more than one of us have been spinning
> the globe at too many midnight movies...
> And don't forget the unbuttered toast, the bell and the cards.
> <>
> I went to the Rialto about a dozen times... the audience (and
> performers) were nuttier and funnier than the flic...
> It showed the RHPS every Saturday night midnight from
> January 1978 to August 2007... 29 years... about 1,400 performances.
> And it's still run once a month...  And the performers are still there.
> <>

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