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Hi yes. I got some data with tinymix from tinyalsa on lineageos. I am
yet to restore the settings whilst running scintill replicant 6 but will
keep you posted on that maybe. A bit early to be posting results yet
therefore, but will do so anyway.

Below is the diff I made from in-call vs out of call, and two scripts I
wrote to get/restore settings. The format is tab delimited: <controlnum>
<controlname> <value>

Hope this helps.

--- controls_nocall.txt 2023-08-09 22:13:49.164769816 +0100
+++ controls_call.txt   2023-08-09 22:13:56.744770041 +0100
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
 21     IN1R Volume     10      
 22     IN1R Switch     On      
 23     IN1R ZC Switch  Off     
-24     IN2L Volume     26      
+24     IN2L Volume     28      
 25     IN2L Switch     On      
 26     IN2L ZC Switch  Off     
 27     IN2R Volume     11      
 28     IN2R Switch     On      
 29     IN2R ZC Switch  Off     
 30     MIXINL IN2L Volume      0       
-31     MIXINL IN1L Volume      1       
+31     MIXINL IN1L Volume      0       
 32     MIXINL Output Record Volume     0       
 33     MIXINL IN1LP Volume     0       
 34     MIXINL Direct Voice Volume      0       
@@ -65,18 +65,18 @@
 64     SPKR Input Volume       1       
 65     SPKR IN1RP Volume       1       
 66     SPKR Output Volume      1       
-67     Speaker Mixer Volume    3 3     
-68     Speaker Volume  57 57   
+67     Speaker Mixer Volume    0 0     
+68     Speaker Volume  0 0     
 69     Speaker Switch  On On   
 70     Speaker ZC Switch       Off Off 
-71     Speaker Boost Volume    6 6     
+71     Speaker Boost Volume    0 0     
 72     Speaker Reference       SPKVDD/2        
 73     Speaker Mode    Class D 
 74     Headphone Volume        45 45   
 75     Headphone Switch        On On   
 76     Headphone ZC Switch     Off Off 
-77     LINEOUT1N Switch        Off     
-78     LINEOUT1P Switch        Off     
+77     LINEOUT1N Switch        On      
+78     LINEOUT1P Switch        On      
 79     LINEOUT1 Volume 1       
 80     LINEOUT2N Switch        Off     
 81     LINEOUT2P Switch        Off     
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 96     AIF2DAC Volume  96 96   
 97     AIF1 Boost Volume       0       
 98     AIF2 Boost Volume       0       
-99     AIF1DAC1 EQ Switch      On      
+99     AIF1DAC1 EQ Switch      Off     
 100    AIF1DAC2 EQ Switch      Off     
 101    AIF2 EQ Switch  Off     
 102    AIF1DAC1 DRC Switch     Off     
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
 115    Sidetone HPF Mux        2.7kHz  
 116    Sidetone HPF Switch     Off     
 117    AIF1ADC1 HPF Mode       HiFi    
-118    AIF1ADC1 HPF Switch     On On   
+118    AIF1ADC1 HPF Switch     Off Off 
 119    AIF1ADC2 HPF Mode       HiFi    
 120    AIF1ADC2 HPF Switch     Off Off 
 121    AIF2ADC HPF Mode        HiFi    
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@
 149    AIF2ADCL DAT Invert     Off     
 150    AIF2ADCR DAT Invert     Off     
 151    HP Switch       Off     
-152    SPK Switch      On      
-153    RCV Switch      Off     
+152    SPK Switch      Off     
+153    RCV Switch      On      
 154    FM In Switch    Off     
 155    LINE Switch     Off     
 156    HDMI Switch     Off     
@@ -184,12 +184,12 @@
 183    AIF1DAC Mux     AIF1DACDAT      
 184    DAC1R Mixer Right Sidetone Switch       Off     
 185    DAC1R Mixer Left Sidetone Switch        Off     
-186    DAC1R Mixer AIF2 Switch Off     
+186    DAC1R Mixer AIF2 Switch On      
 187    DAC1R Mixer AIF1.2 Switch       Off     
 188    DAC1R Mixer AIF1.1 Switch       On      
 189    DAC1L Mixer Right Sidetone Switch       Off     
 190    DAC1L Mixer Left Sidetone Switch        Off     
-191    DAC1L Mixer AIF2 Switch Off     
+191    DAC1L Mixer AIF2 Switch On      
 192    DAC1L Mixer AIF1.2 Switch       Off     
 193    DAC1L Mixer AIF1.1 Switch       On      
 194    Right Sidetone  ADC/DMIC1       

#run with: ./get_control_values.sh 2>/dev/null 1>controls.txt
#format: <control num> <control name> <value>

if [ "$(which tinymix)" = "" ]; then

if [ "$tinymix" = "tinymix" ]; then
        controls="$($tinymix -D 0)"
        printf "%s\n" "$controls" | while read line; do
                if [ "$first" = "yes" ]; then
                        if [ "$second" = "yes" ]; then
                                if [ "$third" = "yes" ]; then
                                        printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n"
"$(echo "$line" | cut -f 1)" "$(echo "$line" | cut -f 4 | rev | grep -o
"  .*" | grep -o "[A-Z|a-z|0-9].*" | rev)" "$(echo "$line" | grep -o "
.*" | grep -o "[A-Z|a-z|0-9].*")" fi third="yes" fi
        controls="$($tinymix -D 0 controls)"

        printf "%s\n" "$controls" | while read line; do
                if [ "$first" = "yes" ]; then
                        if [ "$second" = "yes" ]; then
                                value="$($tinymix -D 0 get $(echo
        "$line" | cut -f1) | cut -d "(" -f1)" if [ "$(echo "$value" |
        grep ">")" != "" ]; then value="$(echo "$value" | cut -d '>'
        -f2 2>/dev/null | cut -d ',' -f1 | tr -d " ")" elif [ "$(echo
        $value | cut -d ',' -f1)" = "Off" ]; then value="0"
                                elif [ "$(echo $value | cut -d ','
        -f1)" = "On" ]; then value="1"
                                printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n" "$(echo "$line" |
        cut -f1)" "$(echo "$line" | cut -f 4)" "$value" fi


#format: <control num> <control name> <value>
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
        echo "Attempting to set controls using file $1"

if [ "$(which tinymix)" = "" ]; then

cat "$1" | while read line; do
control="$(echo "$line" | cut -f 2)"
value="$(echo "$line" | cut -f 3)"
        if [ "$value" != "unknown" ] && [ "$value" != "" ]; then
        checkforerror="$($tinymix set "$control" $value 2>&1)"
                if [ "$?" = 0 ] && [ "$(echo "$checkforerror" | grep
"Error:")" = "" ] ; then echo "Successfully set control $control"
                        echo "control $control ... $(echo
$checkforerror | grep -o "Error:.*")" fi
                echo "control $control ... Not setting; value is
unknown or blank" fi
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