Control: reopen -1
Control: reassign -1 mutt
Control: retitle -1 mutt -H <file> should modify the draft <file>, not create a 

On 2015-12-30 19:14:10 +0000, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:55 PM, Vincent Lefevre <> wrote:
> > The man page says:
> >
> >    --draftpath=DRAFTPATH
> >        Save the draft (for example, when exiting and saving the report
> >        without reporting it) into DRAFTPATH directory.
> >
> > but it seems that an empty bug report (by "empty", the file provided
> > to the mailer, i.e. with the default contents), whether the bug has
> I verified and the --draftpath work fines if not using mutt.
> > been reported or not. I've just done a test, ending with:
> >
> > [...]
> > Spawning mutt...
> > Mutt users should be aware it is mandatory to edit the draft before sending.
> > Report has not been sent yet; what do you want to do now? [E|q|?]? q
> > Draft saved into 
> > /home/vinc17/.reportbug/reportbug-reportbug-20121206-7695-DHs64D
> >
> > but /home/vinc17/.reportbug/reportbug-reportbug-20121206-7695-DHs64D
> > does not contain the text I've written in the bug report. This is an
> > obvious data loss.
> this is simply how mutt works: we prepare the template, and then we
> sent it to mutt, where you edit it (using mutt functionalities) and
> then you send it with mutt. If you look closely, mutt will show you a
> different file "attached" to the mail about to be sent, where the text
> you entered is saved, but that is not fed back to reportbug, hence you
> think there is "loss of data" but it's a limitation of the
> reportbug-mutt channel.

Then that's quite clear that it is a bug in Mutt. In other MUA's,
when one edits a draft, the draft itself is modified (updated), until
the mail is sent or the draft is discarded. That's basically the
difference between a draft and file inclusion. So, I'm reassigning
the bug.

And that's what the --draftpath reportbug option expects, otherwise
this option wouldn't exist!

Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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