
I've started to play around with repoze.zope2 trunk as witnessed on the
commit list.

What I'm trying to do here is to remove the last dependencies of
repoze.zope2 to ZPublisher code. For the most part these are the request
and response objects.

My goal is to clean up both of these classes and aim for something like
a 80% backwards compatibility for used-in-the-wild code. My current
definition of used-in-the-wild is a very narrow "used anywhere in the
Zope2, CMF, PAS, Plone" stack. If I only find a specific API used once
in that entire stack, I tend to change that one occurrence if there's an
equivalent more wildly used API around.

If I'm lucky I might be able to:

- Trim down the API's to a reasonable level
- Remove cruft from the early Bobo-Times
- Avoid duplication of code in the z2bob helper
- Base both classes on WebOb
- Handle Unicode and WSGI more sanely

What I'm *not* trying to do is to make the request and response more
similar to the zope.publisher variants. Whatever API's or functionality
the ZPublisher versions haven't gotten so far, doesn't strike me as
particular useful.

The WebOb thing is the last step on my list. I'll only do that if it
actually provides any kind of reasonable code reduction or makes the
z2bob code easier. If mixing in WebOb would only add a second API in
addition to the existing one, it's probably not worth it.


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