Tim Hoffman wrote:
> Hi Chris
> I think this is a good direction to go in.  I am already starting to
> do something similair  this with repoze (I am still on 1.0.1) but plan
> to upgrade in the next few weeks,.
> The advantage of this style of configuration really comes into its own
> when you are running on appengine.
> With appengine you really can't rely on long running apps, so being
> able to defer some of the declerations/registrations until you
> actually need them
> (for instance only bother registering stuff for an admin user if an
> admin user is logged in) is really important because its startup time
> of a cold instance
> that will kill you at times.
> Using ZCML means is difficult to choose when to register things
> (without jumping through hoops) and view decorators are just as bad.

For the record, in IRC, Daniel Holth measured startup time of his repoze.bfg 
app and found that most of the startup time was chewed up (in his case) by the 
behavior of pkg_resources namespace packages when lots and lots of egg packages 
are on sys.path.  He was able to reduce his application startup time from 
something like 5 seconds to 1 second (or sub-1-second maybe) by just getting 
rid of unused packages on sys.path.

I think he also discovered that ZCML parsing time was negligible (at least 
relative to the time chewed up by pkg_resources).

> Thanks for the great work.


- C

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