repoze.bfg 1.1.5 and 1.2a4 have been released.

Install 1.2a4 via:

    easy_install -i repoze.bfg

Install 1.1.5 via:

    easy_install -i repoze.bfg

1.1.5 is a backport bugfix release.  1.2a4 is a bigfix and minor feature 

Change logs follow.

1.1.5 (2009-12-07)

- Operation on GAE was broken, presumably because the
   ``repoze.bfg.includes`` ``configure.zcml`` file began to attempt to
   import the ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt`` and
   ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_text`` modules, and these cannot be used on
   non-CPython platforms.  It now tolerates startup time import
   failures for these modules, and only raise an import error when a
   template from one of these packages is actually used (backport from

1.2a4 (2009-12-07)


- ``repoze.bfg.testing.DummyModel`` now accepts a new constructor
   keyword argument: ``__provides__``.  If this constructor argument is
   provided, it should be an interface or a tuple of interfaces.  The
   resulting model will then provide these interfaces (they will be
   attached to the constructed model via

Bug Fixes

- Operation on GAE was broken, presumably because the
   ``repoze.bfg.configuration`` module began to attempt to import the
   ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt`` and ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_text``
   modules, and these cannot be used on non-CPython platforms.  It now
   tolerates startup time import failures for these modules, and only
   raise an import error when a template from one of these packages is
   actually used.

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