chameleon, puede o no puede renderizar txt? como?

2010/2/11 Chris McDonough <>

> I'd use repoze.bfg.jinja2 for this task. <
> - C
> On 2/11/10 1:52 PM, Miuler wrote:
>> *=English==========================================================*
>> Hi fiends, i am trying to generate a CSV file, and using templates type
>> zpt (.pt)
>> /-------------------------------------------------------/
>> /It's a example of text/
>> /===============/
>> /
>> /
>> /<span tal:repeat="user view.getNames()">/
>> /nombre: <span tal:replace=" <>"></span>/
>> /</span>/
>> //-------------------------------------------------------//
>> but the repoze.bfg gives me error
>> then I've changed the name to. txt, but I have to change the syntax,
>> which should I use? of Genshi?
>> for I also have to use json Genshi syntax?
>> //
>> //
>> //
>> //
>> //
>> //
>> *=Spanish==========================================================*
>> Hola amigos, estoy tratando de generar un archivo CSV, y pero quiero
>> crearlo usando plantillas, trate de usar esto:
>> /-------------------------------------------------------/
>> /It's a example of text/
>> /===============/
>> /
>> /
>> /<span tal:repeat="user view.getNames()">/
>> /nombre: <span tal:replace=" <>"></span>/
>> /</span>/
>> //-------------------------------------------------------//
>> pero bfg me da error:
>> entonces le he cambiado el nombre a .txt, pero veo que tengo que cambiar
>> la sintaxis, cual es la que debo de usar? la de genshi?
>> para plantilla en json tambiƩn debo de usar la sintaxis de genshi?
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> --
> Chris McDonough
> Agendaless Consulting, Fredericksburg VA
> The repoze.bfg Web Application Framework Book:
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