On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Wichert Akkerman <wich...@wiggy.net> wrote:

> On 11/8/10 16:09 , Chris Rossi wrote:
>>  The document_map, while sometimes stored on the catalog, is not known
>> to the catalog.  If you want to clear it, you need to do so explicitly.
>>  This is because r.catalog makes no assumptions about how you retrieve
>> a document given a docid.  The DocumentMap implementation is provided to
>> fit a common case, but is still up to the app to manage.
> right. It would be nice if DocumentMap supported a clear() method though.
> Hmm.  Sure.  I'll add that on trunk.  Seems safe enough.  In the meantime
you could just create a new DocumentMap?

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