Hi everybody,

I just wanted to ask for a mention about the
repoze.what.plugins.hgwebdir repoze.what plugin that I wrote in the
official repoze.what documentation as said here:


This plugin is useful to protect Mercurial repositories served with
hgwebdir wsgi application. The administration of these repositories
turn out much easier with this plugin since it allows to write the
groups and permissions information for several repositories in a
single filename.

The documenatation can be found at: packages.python.org [1] It has a
pypi entry [2] and the code is hosted at bitbucket [3]

We, at Yaco.es, are using it in production for more than 3 months and
we belive it could be useful for other companies or individuals.

I tried to follow repoze.what coding conventions but let me know if I
missed something.

Best regards

[1] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/repoze.what.plugins.hgwebdir/0.1.1
[2] http://bitbucket.org/lgs/repoze.what.plugins.hgwebdir/
[3] http://packages.python.org/repoze.what.plugins.hgwebdir/
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