Hi Felix,

On 6/10/21 8:32 PM, Felix C. Stegerman wrote:
> Hi!
> * "Felix C. Stegerman" <f...@obfusk.net> [2021-06-10 16:55]:
>> * Nilesh Patra <nil...@nileshpatra.info> [2021-06-07 21:16]:
>>> * Only _some_ files in the documentation it vendors has stuff (like tags, 
>>> examples, links) in random order across different builds.
>>> By the looks of it, it seems this randomness is due to the way data is 
>>> being inserted into files with the brian2/sphinxext/generate_examples.py 
>>> script,
>>> but I am having trouble figuring it out beyond this point.
>>> My changes are pushed here[1], the failing reprotest CI can be found 
>>> here[2], and this is the diffoscope[3]
>>> [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/brian/-/blob/make-reproducible
>>> [2]: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/brian/-/jobs/1688958
>>> [3]: http://paste.debian.net/1200330/
> I also found a bug in brian2/sphinxext/generate_examples.py that's
> another source of irreproducibility; here's a patch:
> --- a/brian2/sphinxext/generate_examples.py
> +++ b/brian2/sphinxext/generate_examples.py
> @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
>          category_additional_files[relpath].append((file, full_name))
>          with codecs.open(fname, 'rU', encoding='utf-8') as f:
>              content = f.read()
> -        output = file + '\n' + '=' * len(title) + '\n\n'
> +        output = file + '\n' + '=' * len(file) + '\n\n'
>          output += '.. code:: none\n\n'
>          content_lines = ['\t' + l for l in content.split('\n')]
>          output += '\n'.join(content_lines)

Many thanks for your patches, I applies both of them and reprotest CI goes 
green now![1] \o/
Super thanks for your help!

I'll file a bug report now

[1]: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/brian/-/jobs/1694238


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