On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 07:06:14PM +0100, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> Hi Mike!
> Mike Hommey:
> > When comparing large ELF binaries, some minor differences can end up hurting
> > the visibility of more important differences.
> > 
> > Specifically, objdump --disassemble displays symbols+offsets for addresses
> > it derives from IP-relative addressing, like the following:
> > 
> >    9d2be2:     48 8d 05 42 65 24 02    lea    0x2246542(%rip),%rax        # 
> > 2c1912b <_fini@@xul45a1+0x1d803>
> I would be grateful if you could try again using the master branch.
> Dhole made diffoscope compare ELF sections individually and I wonder how
> much it helped with this problem.

I don't think it changed anything.

> If it doesn't, would you be so kind to provide example binaries?

I can't find the differing binary anymore :( But that can be reproduced
with a small testcase:

$ cat <<EOF > test.c
extern const int qux;

int bar() {
#ifdef FOO
  return qux * 2;
  return qux;
$ cat <<EOF > test2.c
const int qux = 2;
$ gcc -shared -o /tmp/test.so /tmp/test{,2}.c -fPIC
$ gcc -shared -o /tmp/test2.so /tmp/test{,2}.c -fPIC -DFOO
$ strip test{,2}.so
$ diffoscope --text - /tmp/test*.so
│ @@ -29,56 +29,57 @@
│   5a2:        48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
│   5a5:        48 c1 fe 03             sar    $0x3,%rsi
│   5a9:        48 89 f0                mov    %rsi,%rax
│   5ac:        48 c1 e8 3f             shr    $0x3f,%rax
│   5b0:        48 01 c6                add    %rax,%rsi
│   5b3:        48 d1 fe                sar    %rsi
│   5b6:        74 18                   je     5d0 <_init@@Base+0xc8>
│ - 5b8:        48 8b 05 01 03 20 00    mov    0x200301(%rip),%rax        # 
2008c0 <qux@@Base+0x200254>
│ + 5b8:        48 8b 05 01 03 20 00    mov    0x200301(%rip),%rax        # 
2008c0 <qux@@Base+0x200250>
│   5bf:        48 85 c0                test   %rax,%rax
│   5c2:        74 0c                   je     5d0 <_init@@Base+0xc8>
│   5c4:        5d                      pop    %rbp
│   5c5:        ff e0                   jmpq   *%rax
│   5c7:        66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00    nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
│   5ce:        00 00 
│   5d0:        5d                      pop    %rbp
│   5d1:        c3                      retq   
│   5d2:        0f 1f 40 00             nopl   0x0(%rax)
│   5d6:        66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00    nopw   %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
│   5dd:        00 00 00 
│   5e0:        80 3d 09 03 20 00 00    cmpb   $0x0,0x200309(%rip)        # 
2008f0 <_edata@@Base>
│   5e7:        75 27                   jne    610 <_init@@Base+0x108>
│ - 5e9:        48 83 3d d7 02 20 00    cmpq   $0x0,0x2002d7(%rip)        # 
2008c8 <qux@@Base+0x20025c>
│ + 5e9:        48 83 3d d7 02 20 00    cmpq   $0x0,0x2002d7(%rip)        # 
2008c8 <qux@@Base+0x200258>
│   5f0:        00 
│   5f1:        55                      push   %rbp
│   5f2:        48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
│   5f5:        74 0c                   je     603 <_init@@Base+0xfb>
│ - 5f7:        48 8b 3d ea 02 20 00    mov    0x2002ea(%rip),%rdi        # 
2008e8 <qux@@Base+0x20027c>
│ + 5f7:        48 8b 3d ea 02 20 00    mov    0x2002ea(%rip),%rdi        # 
2008e8 <qux@@Base+0x200278>
│   5fe:        e8 45 ff ff ff          callq  548 <_init@@Base+0x40>
│   603:        e8 48 ff ff ff          callq  550 <_init@@Base+0x48>
│   608:        5d                      pop    %rbp
│   609:        c6 05 e0 02 20 00 01    movb   $0x1,0x2002e0(%rip)        # 
2008f0 <_edata@@Base>
│   610:        f3 c3                   repz retq 
│   612:        0f 1f 40 00             nopl   0x0(%rax)
│   616:        66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00    nopw   %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
│   61d:        00 00 00 
│ - 620:        48 8d 3d e1 00 20 00    lea    0x2000e1(%rip),%rdi        # 
200708 <qux@@Base+0x20009c>
│ + 620:        48 8d 3d e1 00 20 00    lea    0x2000e1(%rip),%rdi        # 
200708 <qux@@Base+0x200098>
│   627:        48 83 3f 00             cmpq   $0x0,(%rdi)
│   62b:        75 0b                   jne    638 <_init@@Base+0x130>
│   62d:        e9 5e ff ff ff          jmpq   590 <_init@@Base+0x88>
│   632:        66 0f 1f 44 00 00       nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
│ - 638:        48 8b 05 79 02 20 00    mov    0x200279(%rip),%rax        # 
2008b8 <qux@@Base+0x20024c>
│ + 638:        48 8b 05 79 02 20 00    mov    0x200279(%rip),%rax        # 
2008b8 <qux@@Base+0x200248>
│   63f:        48 85 c0                test   %rax,%rax
│   642:        74 e9                   je     62d <_init@@Base+0x125>
│   644:        55                      push   %rbp
│   645:        48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
│   648:        ff d0                   callq  *%rax
│   64a:        5d                      pop    %rbp
│   64b:        e9 40 ff ff ff          jmpq   590 <_init@@Base+0x88>
│  0000000000000650 <bar@@Base>:
│   650:        55                      push   %rbp
│   651:        48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
│ - 654:        48 8b 05 4d 02 20 00    mov    0x20024d(%rip),%rax        # 
2008a8 <qux@@Base+0x20023c>
│ + 654:        48 8b 05 4d 02 20 00    mov    0x20024d(%rip),%rax        # 
2008a8 <qux@@Base+0x200238>
│   65b:        8b 00                   mov    (%rax),%eax
│ - 65d:        5d                      pop    %rbp
│ - 65e:        c3                      retq   
│ + 65d:        01 c0                   add    %eax,%eax
│ + 65f:        5d                      pop    %rbp
│ + 660:        c3                      retq   


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