On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 02:56:24PM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> > to explain: we only test main, as using and or even building packages
> > from contrib or non-free might be problematic.
> Well, FWIW, intel-microcode and amd64-microcode have been manually
> checked to be safe to autobuild (and tagged as such, XS-autobuild: yes).
> In fact, they're autobuilt in unstable.

yes, sure, those three packages are fine, but we are only testing main
and not contrib and non-free because *in general* we cannot now whether
we can legally build them. that's why i said I would be fine with a
whitelisting solution… but we dont have that yet.
> I would be happy enough if someone would check the patch in this bug
> report for amd64-microcode *once*. 

I believe this is on lamby's agenda…


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