On 12/28/07, samir kumar mishra <samirkumar.mishra at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think this can be the solution for the Bug--6573754
> BUG Details
> *****************************************************************************************
> Synopsis       timex error message when you forget a command is cryptic
> State                     1-Dispatched (Default State)
> Category:          utility
> Subcategory   accounting
> Link:http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6573754
> *****************************************************************************************
> Solution needs the following changes in timex.c
> Link---http://cvs.opensolaris.org/source/xref/onnv/onnv-gate/usr/src/cmd/sa/timex.c
> ****************************************************************************************
> Step-1: Delete line no 99
> if (optind >= argc)   diag("Missing command");
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Step-2 : Insert the followig lines after line number 80 starting at
> line number 81
> if(optind>=argc)  {
>          fprintf(stderr,"\nMissing command\n");
>          diag("Usage: timex [-s][-o][-p[-fhkmrt]] cmd");
> }
> ****************************************************************************************
> Now the output when we type 'timex' and forget to specify the program
> is given below:
> Missing command
> Usage: timex [-s][-o][-p[-fhkmrt]] cmd
> ***************************************************************************************
> I would like to request a sponsor so that this fix can be evaluated

This is to bring to your kind information that i have already
submitted my Sun Contriutor's agreement and waiting to get it.

> Regards,
> Samir Kumar Mishra
> 3rd year , Electronics and Telecommunication Engg,
> University College of Engineering, Burla(India)

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