On 03/22/10 06:02 AM, Jonathan Cowper-Andrewes wrote:
> WRT: 6718765 *cron* at jobs discarded / regression by fix for 6416652
>  A lack of time and resource means I will not be able to continue sponsoring
> this request. There has been little communication back from the requestor
> and the size of this proposal requires more time than I currently have.
> Please place this request back on the queue.
> Jonathan

Hi Jonathan,

If you can no longer sponsor a contribution, it's your responsibility to 
find a new sponsor.

If you have made repeated requests for information or communication from 
the requester and not received a response and you have given a deadline 
for response, then once the deadline has passed, you can send email to 
this list instructing that the request be moved to the suspended list 
because of the lack of response from the requester.

Please see the sponsor tasks page for more information:



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