I'd like to know if you could find a solution to my persistency problem.

Sam wrote:
>> Date: Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 07:16:00PM +0200
>> Subject: Re: [Resin-interest] question about persistancy
>> with pleasure.here it is
>> thanks for your help
> I gather you are using the eclipse plugin to start Resin.
> I think the eclipse plugin might launch Resin from a temp directory,
> that gets wiped out with each launch.  So when you configure this:
>     <persistent-store type="file">
>       <init path="work/dead_session_persist"/>
>     </persistent-store>
> The path is relative to that temp directory, and the
> dead_sesison_persist file may be getting wiped out by the eclipse
> plugin.
> Can you try putting an absolute path to a permanent location in the
> path?
>     <persistent-store type="file">
>       <init path="/softdev/resin/work/dead_session_persist"/>
>     </persistent-store>
> Also, FYI, debug logging will cause Resin to produce some useful
> information about the persisting of sessions:
> http://wiki.caucho.com/Debug_logging
> Take care,
> -- Sam
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> Sam Heisz
> Software Engineer
> Caucho Technology, Inc.
> P.O. Box 9001
> La Jolla, CA 92038 USA
> PHONE: (858) 926-5214
> www.caucho.com

Très cordialement,

Riccardo Cohen
ligne directe : 02-47-49-63-24
Moulin des Roches
37230 Fondettes - France
tel : 02-47-49-90-49
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