On Jan 23, 2008, at 11:10 AM, Curtis Taylor wrote:

> Hello,
> We recently upgraded to Resin 3.1.4 from 3.0.23 and had a few issues
> with system properties declared in an imported config file. It seems
> 3.1.4's doesn't see properties declared with "." in the property name
> anymore, and the EL expression in resin3.xml doesn't interpret  
> properly:
> <system-property http.server.port="8080" /> gets interpreted as 0
> and
> <system-property dev.database.name="devDB" /> gets interpreted as an
> empty string.

I've just added that as a bug at: http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php? 

The implementation is a little tricky, because Resin has to try $ 
{http} to see if it's an existing object before trying $ 
{http.server.port} as a system property.

-- Scott

> My workaround was to rename these properties using no periods (e.g.
> "httpServerPort"), but I was curious as to why this particular
> behavior change, and if there's a way to use the 3.0.x syntax in  
> 3.1.x.
> Also, it'd be nice to see the documentation updated to reflect this
> change ;-)
> Thanks,
> Curtis
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