I have a model containing two objects:

Organisation (a company to which individuals may belong)
User (a user inside an organisation)

To make matters slightly more complicated, an organisation may "own" 
another organisation, for example, a company which is part of a holding 
group. Therefore:

A User has many-to-one correspondence with an Organisation [an Organisation 
may have many users but a user has only one organisation]

An Organisation has many-to-one correspondence with a parent Organisation 
[an Organisation may have only one "owner" but may own many]

The two classes:

public class Organisation {

    private int id;
    private Organisation owner; // the owner of this organisation, if any - 
IS being initialised properly
    private Collection<Organisation> ownedOrganisations; // all the 
organisations this one owns
    private Collection<User> users; // all the users associated with this 

    // getters/setters

public class User {

    private int id;

    private Organisation organisation; // the organisation to which this 
user belongs - this IS being initialised properly

    // getters/setters

Now it seems Amber cannot populate both @OneToMany collections in the 
Organisation. If I remove one or the other then it will populate the 
remaining one as expected. If I leave both in, only the first one (as it 
appears listed in the source code) is populated and the second Collection 
remains null (i.e. is not even initialised like most other collections are, 
to empty collections). I see no reason why both should not be populated 
according to the relations I specify. For reference, the relevant fields of 
the database are:

Table organisations =================== id INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY 
AUTO_INCREMENT ownerid INT UNSIGNED --- reference to an organisations.id 
for an owning organisation

Table users =========== id INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT orgid 
INT UNSIGNED -- reference to an organisations.id for the org to which this 
user belongs

I've tested this on the 31st March snapshot. Is this a bug? Any idea when 
the next snapshot will be released which might contain a fix?


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