
<target name="precompile-jsp" description="precompile jsp">
   <echo message="precompiling JSPs: app-dir=${home.war}"/>
   <java classname="com.caucho.jsp.JspCompiler" fork="true" >
      <classpath refid="resin.classpath" />
      <arg line="-app-dir ${home.war} ${home.war}" />

Note the extra ${home.war} in the arg line which means "compile this dir 
(and subdirs)".

 /Mattias Jiderhamn

rafael.munoz wrote (2008-05-05 15:17):
> Hi
> I'm trying to precompile my JSPs before the deploy phase, integrating this
> precompilation in my ANT build script.
> I'm using Resin 3.0.19 so I can't use the new resin-ant.jar but I think that
> this ANT target should work:
> <target name="precompile-jsp" description="precompile jsp">
>    <echo message="precompiling JSPs: app-dir=${home.war}"/>
>    <java classname="com.caucho.jsp.JspCompiler" fork="true" >
>       <classpath refid="resin.classpath" />
>       <arg line="-app-dir ${home.war}" />
>    </java>
> </target>
> But unfortunately it doesn't work: this generate the work and tmp directory
> but they're empty.
> I have try passing a JSP and the JSP is precompiled without problem:
> <target name="precompile-jsp" description="precompile jsp">
>    <echo message="precompiling JSPs: app-dir=${home.war}"/>
>    <java classname="com.caucho.jsp.JspCompiler" fork="true" >
>       <classpath refid="resin.classpath" />
>       <arg line="-app-dir ${home.war}" />
>       <arg line="${home.war}/index.jsp" />
>    </java>
> </target>
> So my question is: have I to pass ALL my JSPs to JSPCompiler? Can't I just
> point to the root of my web app and just have all my JSP precompiled?

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