On May 19, 2008, at 4:59 PM, Rob Lockstone wrote:

> Ok, so at $500/server, that's $170,000,000. Scott, can I borrow some
> money? ;)

Ha ha.  Wouldn't that be nice.  Shame about the virtual hosts and open  
source version :)

> I assume Tomcat falls under Apache, but what about WebSphere and
> WebLogic?

Tomcat is Apache Coyote.

I think WebSphere is IBM_HTTP_Server

I don't know what happened to WebLogic.  It used to be around Oracle's  
numbers (15,000 or so), but it looks like it just dropped off the  
bottom in Oct or Nov.

> Also, does that 340K include Resins that are installed behind Apache
> or IIS? Or are these standalone Resin's only?

These are standalone only.  Plus, many sites change the server-name to  
"Unknown" or "Other" or "NOYB",  and it doesn't count internal web  
sites.  So the Netcraft numbers aren't anything close to exact, but  
it's still a nice popularity measure.

-- Scott

> Rob
> On May 19, 2008, at 08:25, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> This is a very cool result.  In the May Netcraft, Resin is now the
>> most popular deployed Java Server, passing Sun One.  There are now
>> 340,000 domains running Resin.
>>  http://survey.netcraft.com/Reports/200805/
>> -- Scott
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