Hello - 

I've used Resin in the past, and am back again. :) Wondering if someone
might have some suggestions...

We've written a pretty complicated web app using DWR 2.0.3 and JSF (Sun
1.2.7) as well as Spring (2.5.1). It's working great on Tomcat (6.0.16).
In the past on another project, we found that Resin was way faster than
Tomcat, and my understanding is that is still the same (?).

So I grabbed Resin, and fired it up, and it the ALMOST works (woot!) - I
was expecting that nothing would work properly, but my login page comes
up - the issue is when the login is successful and the main page
attempts to load.

One thing I noticed - a couple of my JSF-managed backing beans implement
HttpSessionBindingListener, and for some reason, Resin is repeatedly
calling this (see output below). Never seen this using Tomcat - any

When the HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound method is called, my
backing bean clears out some data structures (as it's going out of
session scope) and so I think the fact that this method is being called
by Resin is causing problems - have I set something up wrong?

Any ideas are really appreciated - it seems that I'm really close to
being able to move to Resin, which would be a Happy Day.

As well, are there clear advantages to using Resin's implementation of


Brian Parkinson
Software Architect
Avaning Inc.

--- x8 snip

[15:30:13.218] {main} Host[] active
[15:30:13.218] {main} hmux listening to localhost:6800
[15:30:13.234] {main} http listening to *:8080
[15:30:13.234] {main} Server[id=,cluster=app-tier] active
[15:30:13.234] {main} Resin started in 6438ms
[15:31:21.234] {http--8080-1} Loading XML bean definitions from file
[15:31:21.531] {http--8080-1} Refreshing
startup date [Thu Jun 12 15:31:21 EDT 2008
]; root of context hierarchy
[15:31:21.531] {http--8080-1} Bean factory for application context
[15:31:22.328] {http--8080-1} Pre-instantiating singletons in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: defining beans
verter,thermostatProcessor,preferences,user]; root of factory hierarchy
[15:31:22.609] {http--8080-1} Initializing EHCache CacheManager
[15:31:24.375] {http--8080-1} Job execution threads will use class
loader of thread: http--8080-1
[15:31:24.421] {http--8080-1} Quartz Scheduler v.1.6.0 created.
[15:31:24.437] {http--8080-1} RAMJobStore initialized.
[15:31:24.437] {http--8080-1} Quartz scheduler 'DefaultQuartzScheduler'
initialized from default resource file in Quartz
 package: 'quartz.properties'
[15:31:24.437] {http--8080-1} Quartz scheduler version: 1.6.0
[15:31:24.437] {http--8080-1} JobFactory set to:
[15:31:24.875] {http--8080-1} Starting Quartz Scheduler now
[15:31:24.875] {http--8080-1} Scheduler
DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
[15:31:31.203] {http--8080-1} Connecting without SSL.
[15:31:32.390] {http--8080-1} Login accepted for user: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[15:31:33.093] {http--8080-1} GET /thermostat/105 ecobeeId:
[15:31:34.984] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:35.000] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:35.171] {http--8080-1} DWR Version 2.0.3 starting.
[15:31:35.171] {http--8080-1} - Servlet Engine: Resin/3.1.6
[15:31:35.171] {http--8080-1} - Java Version:   1.5.0_14
[15:31:35.171] {http--8080-1} - Java Vendor:    Sun Microsystems Inc.
[15:31:35.812] {http--8080-1} Probably not an issue: org.jdom.Document
is not available so the jdom converter will not l
oad. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it.
[15:31:35.812] {http--8080-1} Probably not an issue: org.jdom.Element is
not available so the jdom converter will not lo
ad. This is only an problem if you wanted to use it.
[15:31:35.859] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:35.859] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:35.906] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:35.906] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:35.968] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:35.968] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.406] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.406] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.546] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.546] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.578] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.578] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.609] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.609] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.765] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:36.765] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.046] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.046] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.062] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.062] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.062] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.062] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.093] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.093] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.156] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.156] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.171] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.171] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.406] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.406] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.406] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.406] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.437] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.437] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.484] {http--8080-2} Exec: ThermostatAdaptor.getThermostat()
[15:31:37.515] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.515] {http--8080-2} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.703] {http--8080-1} Exec: ThermostatAdaptor.getThermostat()
[15:31:37.703] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:37.703] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:38.515] {http--8080-1} Exec: DwrAdaptor.setDwrScriptSessionId()
[15:31:38.531] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.
[15:31:38.531] {http--8080-1} Value unbound from session.

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