
Did you try ${object.price} ?

We also found Resin 3.1.x to be more specific than 3.0.x about the 
conventions used with EL. We made a pass through our code looking for 
these capitalization differences and that solved our problems.

+ jay

Tuan Tran wrote:
> Hi all!
> We are having a lot of “javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException” when 
> updating from version 3.0 to 3.1.8.
> An example:
> JSP-files with code like this ${object.Price} will give an error like 
> this one :
> 500 ‘Price’ is an unknown bean property of....
> The only thing that seems to fix this is to change it to
> ${object.getPrice()}.
> The problem is that we have alot of jsp files to be changed, just 
> wondering if there is an easy way to fix this?
> Thanks!
> Tuan Tran
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