Hi all,

we're running resin 3.17a and seem to have a problem with session timeouts.

If I have in web.xml defined:

<web-app xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin";>

  <session-config session-max="10000" >
     <!-- 100 minute timeout -->


It does not seem to have any effect on sessions.

I added session listener and outputted debugging information:

    public void sessionCreated(final HttpSessionEvent arg0) {
        log.info("New session started " + arg0.getSession().getId()
                + " creationtime " + arg0.getSession().getCreationTime()
                + " now is " + new Date() + " max interval "
                + arg0.getSession().getMaxInactiveInterval());


    public void sessionDestroyed(final HttpSessionEvent arg0) {
                .info("Session destroyed "
                        + arg0.getSession().getId()
                        + " lifespan "
                        + (System.currentTimeMillis() - arg0.getSession()
                                .getCreationTime()) + " now is " + new Date()
                        + " last accessed "
                        + arg0.getSession().getLastAccessedTime()
                        + " max interval "
                        + arg0.getSession().getMaxInactiveInterval());

It seemed that max inactive interval on sessions was 10 minutes, no
matter what I set for session timeout in web.xml.

To get longer sessions, I then had to add in sessionlistener:

Any thoughts on where the problem might we lurking?


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