On Sep 30, 2009, at 9:14 AM, Rom Sok wrote:


I know this is probably a rookie mistake...

I got the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I also understand that I need to pass parameters when I start Java to increase the heap size.

The problem is that I am not sure where to do that:
I have Windows Vista and Resin 3.0.28.

For Resin 3.0.x, the JVM configuration parameters are on the command line (Resin 3.1.x and later use the resin.xml file.) The configuration you want is something like -J-Xmx512m.

If you continue to run into memory issues (especially if you can reproduce the problem in your development lab), you might want to look at Resin 4.0.x or Resin 3.1.x and use the "memory" tab in the /resin- status to get a quick heap dump to give you an idea of what's taking up the memory.

-- Scott


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