Kaj Hejer wrote:
> Hi!
> I think I have found the source of this problem and a solution :)
> org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.DefaultTraversableResolver.isReachable
>  seems to be retruning false for all my properties. When implementing my own 
> TraversableResolver with a isReachable always returning true and creating a 
> validation.xml specifying this class as the traversable-resolver the 
> validation so far seems to work as expected on resin too! Good!
Do you have any idea why the default would be working differently on 
Resin? That library code shouldn't be directly dependent on Resin (we 
don't provide anything like a TraversableResolver), but it's possible 
that some classloader methods like ClassLoader.getResource are behaving 

-- Scott
> -Kaj :)
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