DL wrote:
> A simple text string (later to be more complex xhtml format) is 
> written into a file in another directory .. and then browser should 
> redirect to $url
> .. but why does this not redirect in quercus?
> It seems that header('Location: $url'); is not working in quercus.

You need to use double quotes in PHP to get variable interpolation:

  header("Location: $url");

Single quoted strings don't interpolate variables.

-- Scott
> [code]
> <?php
> $your_data = "This is test string written to myfile.xhtml";
> $directory = "../path-to-file-directory/";
> $filename = "myfile.xhtml";
> $fp = fopen($directory.$filename, "w");
> fwrite($fp, $your_data);              // this file create works o.k. 
> in quercus
> fclose($fp);
> $url = 'http://www.google.com';
> header('Location: $url');              // this is not working in 
> quercus embedded in orbeon
> exit();
> ?>
> [/code]
> dl
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