You probably want to run "ulimit -a" in your shell and see if you may be
running up against the limit for the number of open files per OS user.

Also, with small heaps (256MB) and very dynamic URLs I have found that
Resin's "invocation cache" takes almost the entire heap.  At least as of
version 3.1.8.  Luckily it is relatively easy to configure is smaller

Good luck,

Knut Forkalsrud

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Rick Mann <> wrote:

> Hi. I'm running resin 4.0.32 (?) on a couple of virtual hosts at Rackspace
> on Ubuntu. These are small machines, 512 MB of RAM, but they're pretty much
> only running their resin (free) instance.
> I'm doing some rudimentary load testing with JMeter. I have a script that
> makes three calls to the REST service implemented in my webapp. When I try
> to do 1000 simultaneous connections (via round-robin load balancing onto
> two nodes, so figure ~500 near-simultaneous connections), my app starts
> throwing exceptions about not being able to open connections to the DB:
> Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: User
> gcs already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
> So, clearly I need to expand the DB's capabilities.
> But JMeter also reports a nunch of these:
> <httpSample t="1" lt="0" ts="1355286080856" s="false" lb="HTTP Request"
> rc="Non HTTP response code:" rm="Non HTTP response
> message: Too many open files" tn="Thread Group 1-918" dt="text" by="1436"/>
> My configuration is basically out-of-the-box resin.xml.
> I can increase the amount of RAM available, there's no session state being
> stored. I'm wondering what config settings to look into increasing (number
> of threads? Connections allowed?) Any guidance on how much RAM one needs
> for a given number of threads and connections?
> Sorry for the rudimentary question, but this is the first time I've been
> responsible for making sure our web app stays up, and I don't have a good
> idea how many requests we might need to support.
> Thanks!
> --
> Rick
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