Mailing-list Ressources

...mais vrai... (enfin ça m'en a tout l'air)

Depuis le site suivant:

Cliquez sur le lien 'Learn about the online Game'

Incroyable non ?

Il faut aussi lire la FAQ:
Q: I am not in the United States, can I still play the game?
A: Yes! Although all of the official servers are located in the United States, 
there is no restriction on who can play America's Army. We want the whole world 
to know how great the U.S. Army is. 

(à l'heure où les âmes biens pensantes de notre planète -qui savent ce qui est 
bon pour nous- veulent faire interdir des Counter-Strike et autres Quake 

Enfin Saddam, Kim Jong-il et Ben Laden peuvent toujours télécharger le jeu, ça 
peut peut-être les aider dans le futur...

Ah tiens non...

Q: Could these team missions actually help someone learn how to plan an attack? 
Could people use information garnered from playing the game to stage attacks?

A: …the game does not include any information that could be used against U.S. 

No. Just as the game is designed to protect user privacy, it is also designed 
to protect Army operational security. By design, the game does not include any 
information that could be used against U.S. forces. Operational missions are 
played in a force-on-force setting in which game characters are under the 
control of players and not artificial intelligence. Also, while players are 
provided guidance by virtual drill instructors during training missions, no 
confidential Army information is disclosed. Indeed, due to game design, player 
tactics and procedures are their own.
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Le forum: est sur sa gueule... mais il y a maintenant les archives

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