Curious...Can one define and access a JAX-RS EJB defined within an
EJB.jar without a WAR *explicitly* defined to provide the web tier?

I have been experimenting with the various JAX-RS deployment options
in JavaEE 6. I've tried
1) WARs with POJO resource classes
2) WARs with EJB resource classes and no EJB.jar
3) EJB.jar with EJB resource classes wrapped with a WAR+EAR

Option #2 allows one to have EJBs with an EJB.jar and EAR -- neat.
With Option #3, my WAR was no more than a handful of near-empty files.
 The beans.xml and web.xml files where likely not even needed.
|-- jaxrs-ejb-dmv-ear6-war
|   |-- META-INF
|   `-- WEB-INF
|       |-- beans.xml
|       |-- classes
|       `-- web.xml

The biggest need I had for the WAR was that it defined the
context-root of the resource URIs

//EAR application.xml

//example URI call

I know SOAP-based Web Services implemented with EJB have definitions
that allow the EJB to fully define the service without physically
declaring a WAR. Does JAX-RS have the same sort of convention? Can one
define and access a JAX-RS EJB defined within an EJB.jar without a WAR
explicitly defined to provide the web tier? If so, how would I define
the context-root from the EJB?


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